Sigh. 🙂 I know it’s not much fun, but do you ever stop and think sometimes about what has been put in our food? It is so easy to just pick up some salad dressing from the grocery store shelf (believe me, I’ve done it hundreds of times!) and not give much thought to the ingredients included.
Or, maybe you’re a veteran ingredient inspector – but did you know there are thousands of chemicals that are not required to be listed on ingredient labels? Even the most savvy label reader can’t tell what’s really included or if it is truly safe.
It’s definitely worth it to know what’s in your food, but the cool thing is, you can easily make healthy homemade condiments yourself, and you have complete control over the ingredients, the process, and the FLAVOR! Here are 23 recipes to get you started.
23 Healthy Homemade Condiments
Pineapple Vinegar from It’s A Love/Love Thing
Fermented Peach Vinegar from The Hip Girl’s Guide to Homemaking
Kombucha Mustard from 20 Something Allergies
Homemade Honey Mustard Sauce from Wellness Mama
Dijon Honey Mustard from Homemade Mommy
Homemade Mustard from Five Little Homesteaders
Homemade Mustard With Probiotic Punch from The Healthy Home Economist
Homemade Ketchup from Hollywood Homestead
Balsamic Ketchup from Oh My Veggies
Easy Lacto-Fermented Ketchup from The Antidote Life
How To Make Chipotle Mayo from Mommypotamus
Paleo Baconnaise (homemade bacon mayo) from Real Food RN
Coconut Oil Mayonnaise from Butter Believer
Homemade Tartar Sauce from It’s A Love/Love Thing
One Ingredient Blueberry Jam from Real Food Kosher
Real Food Apricot Jam from The Healthy Honeys
Raspberry Chia Jam from The Natural Nurturer
The Best Homemade Healthy BBQ Sauce from Primally Inspired
Spicy Maple BBQ Sauce from Ditch the Wheat
Peach BBQ Sauce from A Girl Worth Saving
Homemade Hot Sauce from Food Republic
Garlicky Chili Hot Sauce With a Punch from White on Rice Couple
Easy Peach Hot Sauce from Primally Inspired
Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar from It’s A Love/Love Thing
Pin 23 Healthy Homemade Condiments

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Thank you Geocelle <3 That is so sweet! <3<3<3