Goals for 2019

Goals for 2019

I really love the New Year.

It’s a time of new beginnings, fresh starts. Resets. I love the feeling of forgetting what lies behind and forging into the future. Even if nothing technically changes from December 31 to January 1 besides the year I write on my check, the New Year MEANS something to me.

The last few years I’ve been choosing a word to center my new year around. Past words have been things like “intentional,” “renewal,” or the like. After thinking and thinking, I chose a word for this year.



I love that word. Free of the condemnation of perfectionism, “growth” allows you to improve at your own pace and celebrates even the smallest successes.

Around the New Year I was browsing Instagram (hey… are you following me there?) and was hit with some inspiration for some things I want to remember and center 2019 around. I’d love to share them with you!

Goals for 2019:

1. Be good to yourself.

Give your body nourishing food. You’re worth finding out what works for you and what doesn’t. Also, give yourself yummy treats! If you have dietary restrictions, Pinterest as you know has soooo many suggestions and options for recipes that you can make to treat yourself here and there.

It’s not just about food, either. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes, and forgive others the way you want to be forgiven. Not the easiest to do, and I understand the complexities that can arise with forgiveness and boundaries. However, it’s worth it for you to forgive and release. For your health!

2. Pick something new to improve at this year.

You don’t have to master it and become a YouTube sensation because of it. šŸ™‚ Just pick something you enjoy or that you are gifted at (or something you aren’t!) and work towards improvement. It gives the most rewarding feeling at the end of the year and you’re further along than you were at the beginning.

3. Practice gratitude in creative ways.

As each day draws to a close, close your eyes with the thoughts of some things you’re thankful for that day. Use a gratitude journal or app and record them. I use the Microsoft One Note app for each year, and create several folders in which I can store my thoughts and the things I’m learning.

Try to choose something new, that you’ve never been grateful for before! You’ll feel your mind stretching as you think of more and more things to be thankful for.

4. Turn lows into highs.

When bad things happen… and let’s face it, they will, stretch yourself to find at least ONE way you can turn the negative into a positive. Our brainsĀ respond so well to positive thoughts.

Let’s think of a hypothetical example.

The hot water runs out on your shower.

This is just a basic example, but while it would be frustrating to have the hot water run out, especially in the winter(!), finding some positives would look like this:

Well, I have access to hot, running water, and that is something to be thankful for.

I’m thankful for the several minutes I did get with relaxing hot water.

Cold showers can be invigorating!

And so on.

5. Get a move on.

Find some way to move each day, get your blood flowing, and keep your lymphatic system from getting sluggish. I understand the personal challenges for this one as someone who has dealt with chronic pain and health issues. And yet, even the tiniest bit of movement on the days I can barely manage bring me benefits.

If you’re feeling crabby and stressed, get up and stretch. Really FEEL the stretch and imagine your muscles and fascia being more relaxed. Take a walk around the yard or the block.

I personally love the Basic Workout Plus by Teresa Tapp. Just 15 minutes (a HARD 15 minutes) and I feel so much better!

6. Remember why you’re here.

What are you gifted at? Encouraging people? Teaching others truths that are important to you? Helping out?

What are your talents? Do you have a way with words? Is music or dancing your jam? If you’re not sure, do some soul-searching and seek out why you’re here. I am positive you have a very unique and important purpose. Share the fruits of your destiny with others!

7. Stress less.

Be proactive about getting rid of the stressors in your life where you can.

Don’t hesitate to unfollow, unplug, or take a break from something you really can live without. I realize this is easier said than done… but you’re worth it.

8. Bless more.

If someone random comes to your mind, with no prompting from yourself, take a few minutes to pray for them, bless them, and wish them well. They don’t even have to know you’ve done it! Or you can reach out with a text or call or handwritten note that lets them know, “Hey, I’m thinking about you!”

Can you imagine if we all did this for one another?

9. Shine!

You’re the only YOU on this planet and in its whole entire existence. Surely there’s something to you!

God knew the world would need a YOU and so He made sure YOU were here. Shine!

10. Smile.




Make eye contact.

Say “love you” more.

Make people feel important to you.

Again, these might be lofty goals, and I already know I won’t hit them every time (thinking the word “growth” here), but attempting is better than nothing!

What would you add to the list? I’d love to know.

Happy 2019. Wishing you your very best year yet.



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