How Often Should You Actually Trim Your Hair For Maximum Growth?

How long has it been since you had a haircut or even a trim?

Different individuals will have other answers to this thought-provoking question.

Some people have to think about this question and realize that they haven’t had a haircut in quite a few years.

These beauties tend to have long hair and don’t want to risk losing a single inch during a visit to the salon chair!

But those of us with high-maintenance hairstyles, such as a pixie cut, or a cut with layers or bangs, will be able to provide a more exact answer.

People with bleached, colored, or chemically treated hair tend to get haircuts more often to prevent split ends and will need cuts more regularly.

Let’s look at what stylists say, and find out how often we should trim our hair!


How Often to Trim Hair for Maximum Growth

You have probably heard that the more often you cut your hair, the faster it will grow. This all depends on your hair type, hairstyle, and lifestyle preference.

Human hair typically grows at a rate of an inch and a half a month. However, if your hair is damaged, it can split or shred at the ends, slowing its progress. This is why it is so important to get frequent trims to prevent further damage.

How Often Should You Actually Trim Your Hair

If you like to trim your own hair, you might be cutting it more often than someone who prefers the expertise of a hair salon. People with coarse or fine hair types might want to visit the hairdresser for a trim to avoid breakage.

How Often Should You Trim Your Bangs?

If you have a precision haircut, get your bangs trimmed every two weeks.

If your bangs are longer, layered, and cut so that they frame the face, you can wait for 3 to 4 weeks for a trim.

How Often Should You Trim Short Hair?

How often you should wait to trim shorter hair depends on the style of the cut and your hair type.

Short hair that has been styled into a precision haircut will need more maintenance, so count on getting it trimmed every three weeks. The same goes for a short haircut showcasing coiled curls or ringlets that hang close to the scalp.

Short hairstyles that showcase a more tousled look or hair gel to set it in place can wait 3 or 4 weeks before requiring a hair appointment.

How Often Should You Cut Medium Length Hair?

You can wait 4 to 6 weeks before cutting the hair of medium length, especially if you avoid damaging the ends with the heat from curling irons.

To maintain its style, a blunt cut on straight hair that seems to be growing faster in one section than another might need to be evened out every 3 to 4 weeks.

How Often Should You Trim Long Hair?

It is best to trim rather than cut long hairstyles every 5 to 6 weeks unless the ends are dry and prone to feathering or splitting. In that case, you should get your haircut every three weeks to maintain the health of every hair shaft.

How Often Should Shaggy, Layered Hair be Cut?

Most shags and layered hairstyles grow out nicely on their own and do not require any fix for eight weeks or more.

If your hair is relatively thin, you might need to trim half an inch off every now and then so that the style can keep its body, volume, and shape.

How Often Should You Cut Wavy Hair?

Hair with waves can go quite a while without a trip to the hairdresser, especially if you have avoided damaging the ends with heat styling or chemical treatments.

You can wait eight weeks or a bit longer to trim your hair if you have been keeping the hair shafts moist and buoyant by using a quality conditioner.

curled hair being styled with a curler

How Often Should You Cut Curly Hair or Kinky Hair?

Depending on the length and tightness of the hairstyle, curly hair or kinky hair can wait for 3 to 6 months before being trimmed.

However, if curly or kinky hair is damaged from wearing hair extensions or tight tiny elastics, it is necessary to excise any damaged sections and let them grow out again.

How Often Should You Get Fine Hair Trimmed?

Get your fine hair trimmed every two weeks, especially if you have short hair that needs some shaping to make it look thick and bouncy. Medium-length hair, especially if it is cut in a blunt style, can’t afford to have one split end.

Long hair that is fine may need almost daily treatment for split ends. Anybody trying to grow or maintain long hair should be diligent about the condition of hair ends, or it may not grow longer.

How Often Should You Trim Split Ends?

If your hair is developing split ends every day, then that is how often you should trim it away – every single day. This can mean taking a small pair of cuticle scissors and accomplishing this yourself at home.

If you have wavy hair, long hair, or damaged hair, it is essential to get rid of any splitting or shredding at the ends of your hair.

woman with long hair

How Often Should You Cut Chemically Treated Hair?

Trimming the ends of chemically treated hair is necessary to prevent the splitting hair strands from causing more damage. Hair brutally damaged from coloring, bleach, or chemicals might need to be trimmed every 2 or 3 days, especially if you plan to grow your hair longer.

When Should You Wait to Cut Your Hair?

Even though it is a good idea to visit the hair salon regularly, there are some situations where waiting reduces your chance of hair loss and increases your chances of growing a head of thick hair.

During and After Chemo and Radiation

Both chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer can affect the ability of your hair follicles to produce new hair. It is best to shave your head to see how your new hair will grow out.

The good news is that you are likely to grow back thick hair post-chemo. Your hair texture may change, becoming more coarse with porous strands, necessitating a change to a more suitable style.

While Pregnant or Going through Postpartum

Hair loss during pregnancy is due to changes in hormones that occur while the baby is in utero, but it is most common for a new mom to shed her hair about four months after giving birth. New moms can wait until their hair grows in a bit before getting a cut.

Postpartum Hair Health

Post natal depression and low self-esteem after childbirth is common. If you are concerned that you may be a risk, you may want to choose a hairstyle that is easy to maintain in your postpartum period.

Feeling overwhelmed may tempt you to skip getting regular haircuts, or cut all of your hair off, which could cause regret later.

If You Have Stress-Related Hair Loss

Stress-related hair loss is likely the cause if your hair is coming out in your hands in clumps or clogging the drain every time you have a shower. You may have to wait up to 3 months to see what is happening with your growth patterns before getting it cut and restyled.

Stress-related hair loss occurs due to a personal crisis such as a divorce or death or a prolonged bout of chronic illness. Nourishing your body with healing foods and getting plenty of exercise can help encourage your hair follicles to sprout hair strands again.

If You are Having A Bad Day

Never decide to get a haircut due to a negative event, as we tend to make impulsive or disastrous choices when our lives are in upheaval.

Resist the common primal temptation to cut all of your hair off to create a brand new start!

Practice HALT, i.e., make it a rule never to change your hairstyle if you are feeling Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Put off making decisions and practice self-care.

When You Get A Bad Haircut

If you get a terrible haircut, you may have no other choice but to let it grow out before getting it cut again, which is fine if you try to retain its length. If you have very fine hair and the cut has made your hair look even thinner, you can also consider shaving your head to grow it again.

Tips and Tricks to Help Your Hair Grow Faster

Getting regular trims does not make the hair grow faster, but it may make it look thicker or longer. During an appearance on Oprah, Paradi Mirmirani, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco, stated that “hair grows an average of a quarter-inch every month—whether or not you cut it.” Here is some good advice to get help speed growth in-between haircuts:

  • If you are sick of your haircut, then, by all means, don’t be afraid to get it styled by a professional who is aware that your goal is to grow stronger, longer hair.
  • The best way to facilitate hair growth is to avoid bleaching, curling, or chemically processing your hair in any way.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes as nicotinic acid can stunt your new growth.
  • Plump up your hair strands by pampering your hair with a hair mask made from argan oil.
  • Avoid hair breakage by not putting your hair in a bun or ponytail that can stretch your hair strands.
  • Avoid wearing hair extensions that can stretch your strands and cause hair breakage.

Final Words 

Hopefully, this article has given you an idea of how often you should schedule a regular haircut or trim to make your hair grow faster. 

Like all things in life, growing your hair works best if you stick to a plan, so be sure to make an appointment with a salon professional or with yourself to cut and style your tresses regularly.

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