And They Say Moms Don’t Get Paid

I get to be a mom to four beautiful children.



Like the rest of you mamas, that means I’m, in no certain order:

  • A child caregiver.
  • A full-time chef.
  • A maid.
  • A chauffeur.
  • A teacher.
  • An event planner.
  • An accountant.
  • A counselor.
  • A nurse.
  • A delegator.
  • A protector.
  • A manicurist. (LOL – it takes a while to clip forty little fingernails and toenails.)
  • A worship leader.
  • A researcher.
  • An intercessor.
  • A decision maker.
  • An investigator.
  • I’m sure there’s more that I’m missing. . .


Every year, releases a light-hearted, unscientific survey detailing the amount of money a mom would make, if she performed her duties in the business world and worked the amount of overtime she works at home, “just” being a mom. According to . .


Stay-at-home moms work an average of 94 hours per week for a total estimated “mom salary” of $113,586 a year. Working moms — in addition to their 40-hour work week — spend an additional 58 hours on household and childcare jobs, and would earn a total of $67,435 if they collected a paycheck.


(Click here for the infographic.)


It’s always very eye-opening and gratifying to read, as a stay-at-home mom who doesn’t get paid.


But wait.


I want to make it known a million times over: I do get paid.


The US National Debt clock / counter, New YorkYou know how we have the debt clock? The one that is constantly running up a higher and higher total? (This picture was taken in 2006, by the way. 🙂 )


That’s how my pay happens. I get paid. Every day, at an ever-increasing rate.


The finance world screams, “Diversify! Diversify!” And I have. I’ll even be so kind as to detail my constant diversified streams of income for you.

I get paid:

  • In smiles and giggles. I hear giggles all my children’s waking hours. These giggles also save me money, because I won’t have to shell out beaucoup money on wrinkle-reducing creams or facelifts, save for my laugh lines. By that I mean, they make me younger. I laugh more in a day than I ever could laugh in any other profession. I feel like my heart gets younger with each passing day.
  • In hugs. Many times a day, my children stop me and tell me they have a secret for me. I bend down to their level – and I find myself being lovingly, and sometimes roughly hugged. (Hey, I have three boys! They like a good strong hug!) When I wake up in the morning to get my sweet toddler out of her crib and bring her back to my bed for her morning nursing, the way she wraps her arms around my neck (when she’s still really tired) almost makes me swoon. It’s the best feeling. It’s therapeutic, because hugs release the love hormone, Oxytocin, which is a neurotransmitter and brings feelings of peace and relaxation. That’ll save me the spa trip, thanks, sweeties!
  • In funny sound bites throughout the day. Like this little gem asked by my three year old: “Mama, what did God give us bodies for?”  to which my four year old replied, “So our food wouldn’t fall out.”
  • IMG_9139In hand-holding. Crossing the street, playing games. . . have you ever stopped at the wonder of a tiny hand centered perfectly in yours? It’ll take your breath away. Every second, it’s getting bigger. One day, mine will be the smaller hand tucked inside their larger hand.
  • In pretty flowers, rocks, and drawings. I feel like I rival the Louvre with all the precious artwork adorning my fridge. They are limited editions, but they keep coming! My sweeties bring me interesting rocks and beautiful, God-woven flowers any time they catch their eye. There is no way to measure, at least not yet, the amount of love behind those gifts.
  • IMG_9196In pure-heart surroundings. Children . . . they just have the sweetest hearts! They wonder things about real life with no pretension, no prerequisites, no prejudice. They call it as they see it. They don’t play politics. They are pure, they are raw, they are what they are. They want to know why this person did this, why the moon changes in the sky, why, why, why. And I love it. You don’t even need to ask why. 🙂
  • In self-discipline. When you are a mom, you have to learn to care for others before yourself. You have to be disciplined enough to let these little innocent people rely on you for love, care, food, everything!
  • IMG_8997In imagination-stretching. Let me tell you – my imagination has grown so many times over being surrounded by these little ones all day long. One minute, they’re fighting with lightsabers, defending the galaxy. The next, they’re flying through the backyard as Superman, or Iron Man, or whatever Superhero du Jour. They are mixing up delectable desserts in their kitchen. They are drawing up plans for snazzy new inventions. I love it! And I get to pretend with them. I feel like I work at Apple or Pixar sometimes, just being allowed to pretend and dream. It is good for the soul.
  • In adoring gazes. Why, it works wonders for your self-esteem to know you are such a big, loved part of your little ones’ world!
  • I saved the best for last. As amazing as my other streams of income may be, this one easily takes the cake. You ready for it?


Even on top of all this wonderful income I have, which would be enough in and of itself, I will be paid with rewards in heaven. Can you believe it?! What a deal! When I get to heaven, my heavenly Father will reward me for tending to these precious littles. He won’t miss a thing! What a fantastic promise! It inspires me to be a better mother each and every time I think about it.


Here are some verses reflecting that promise of His, bolded for emphasis:

…your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. – Matthew 6:4b

And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward. – Matthew 10:42

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9

…knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord… – Ephesians 6:8b

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. – Colossians 3:23-24a


They say moms don’t get paid? Psshhhh. I feel like the richest queen in the land.



Children are a heritage from the LORD,

the fruit of the womb a reward.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior

are the children of one’s youth.

Blessed is the man

who fills his quiver with them!

He shall not be put to shame

when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

– Psalm 127:3-5


Be blessed, mamas and future mamas.


With love,



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