It was around the New Year, January of 2013.
I had given birth to my fourth child, a daughter, four months prior. Yes, I was busy… but I also had this burning desire inside of me.
You see, I wanted to teach. I wanted to write. I had so much bubbling up in my heart, overflowing, and I wanted to pour it out.
I wanted to start my own blog.
I didn’t really care if no one saw it. Of course, it was a secret dream of mine that people would love it and share it, but honestly, at that time, I was embarrassed to even have anyone who knew me be able to read it. I just wanted to start writing. I wanted to put my thoughts on paper – not perfect MLA style, but in my voice and from my heart.
Do you ever feel that way? Like if you don’t do something, this burning desire inside of you, you might just burst? Therein lies a clue to the reason you were put on this earth. I’m not saying my blog is the world’s answer to every problem today – not by a long shot!! – but I am saying that I am inherently a teacher and a writer and my desire to start a blog is a reflection of what has been placed in me.
So I did start a blog. I made tons of mistakes. I started off with the wrong hosting company. Twice.
I posted pics from my iPhone which is acceptable, but not optimal. It’s what I had to work with at the time.
I started with what I had. But the point is, I started!
However, I didn’t make only mistakes. I also did some things right. I started posting, like I said. A blog needs content, the more content it offers, the more that content can be shared.
I met other like-minded bloggers, even joined a networking group brimming with the very healthy living bloggers I idolized, like Jill from The Prairie Homestead, and DaNelle from Weed ‘Em and Reap. Heather from Mommypotamus. These bloggers who had taught me so much and inspired me to live our lives healthier. They graciously shared my posts, and my audience grew!
Do you have a dream of starting a blog? Do you have a passion you desire to share with whoever will listen? Do you also dream of making an income from that passion?
I did. I still remember the first direct deposit I made from being an Amazon affiliate. It was in September of later that year in the amount of $25.65. It was glorious!! It may sound funny – and it is, as now that number has increased substantially. But at the time I was incredulous. I was making product recommendations based on what had worked for me and people were taking my suggestions!
There are many different types of income a website can generate, which is a subject for a later post. But for now, I want to ask you… do you dream of starting a blog? Tag along for this series of posts coming up dealing with how to start your own blog and how to monetize it. I’ll make everything really simple and easy to understand, but thorough and in-depth as well.
In the meantime, be thinking about the type of blog you want to start. It doesn’t have to deal with health and simple living. It can revolve around fashion, design, whatever your heart is passionate about! Start planning out the topic(s), the menu items, and brainstorm the potential posts you could write about. Think of catchy blog names and corresponding taglines. For example, my site’s name is: It’s a Love/Love Thing, and my tagline is “Inspiration for a simpler, love-filled life.”
Brainstorm and see what sounds good to you and others.
And for those that are more serious about beginning a blog and who want to advance more quickly, I suggest taking a look at the Genius Blogger’s toolkit, a highly discounted bundle offered this week only. Read more about that here.

I’m excited to have you along with me – stay tuned for more blogging info posts coming soon!