Week 15 on the GAPS Intro Diet

Week 15 on the GAPS Intro Diet.
Heart-shaped cactus from our recent hike.

A funny thing happens when you become a parent.

Among other quirks that develop, you suddenly start referring to your children’s age in months.

“My child? She’s 24 months.”

Never mind that two years ago you would have called that “two years old”.

That’s how I’m staring to feel about these GAPS updates. Week 15 on the GAPS diet. Hm. “How long have you been on the GAPS diet?” “Fifteen weeks.” Snort. Let’s just say it’s been about 3 1/2 months, and I’m thinking I’m going to make the GAPS diet updates monthly from now on, since there hasn’t been as much news to report.

But for now: update!!!

Week 15 on the GAPS Intro Diet -OR- 3 1/2 Months of Hell

(however you want to look at it.)

It’s really gotten a lot more bearable for us. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s bright! Haven’t seen the light of day in a while. ๐Ÿ™‚

When we left off on Week 10, my oldest son had just passed cooked and raw egg yolks, which was a huge, huge deal for us. I mean, I’m amazed at the healing that our bodies have undergone. So, so SO happy that we can all have the healing and nutritious egg yolks.

Last week I tested his wrist for raw egg white, and he failed, but not in the usual instant hives. Absolutely nothing happened for about six hours, and then his wrist started itching a little. By the end of the night (we tested during the day) there was a tiny pimple right where the egg white was placed. Weird!

I can see there has been healing in the way of egg whites, because normally that would have caused instant hives. So yay for that! Thank You God!!! Now I’m just wondering if his egg white allergy has minimized from swelling to some sort of minor delayed reaction. We won’t try and find out. ๐Ÿ™‚

But it does make this mama a lot more at ease about him being around eggs – that makes it worth it a thousand times over!

So we have been going through the eggs! At one point every few weeks we have as many as 10 DOZEN eggs stacked in our fridge. Amazing, when we used to avoid them like the plague! I’m loving every minute of it.

We have worked our way through Stage 4 and 5 in the past 5 weeks, having added fresh juice from vegetables and fruits with no problems. Even though the kids and I can handle the apple juice along with the carrot juice, it seems soooo sweet to me. I really can do without it.

(Sometimes I remember what it’s like to drink a soda. The thought of it almost gives me a headache. Bleah! Way too syrupy sweet. I guess that’s what cutting out sugar will do.)

We are now on Stage 6, where we introduced raw apple and more baking. I’m going to introduce a few more fruits before we move into Full GAPS, but we are so almost there. It’s exciting. We’ll be able to add in many more foods at full GAPS, which will be so nice.

We had been having trouble with my second son’s eczema for a couple of months now. But we have had a breakthrough in this past week. I’m trying very hard to pinpoint what it is, because I introduced two new healing foods. Well, beverages: I started giving the kids an ounce or two of beet kvass before every meal, and I also went ahead and started giving them water with 1/2 – 1 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar every morning first thing (a part of the GAPS diet).

I’m not sure which one it was, or if it was both, or if it was simply the answer to many, many prayers, (probably both!!) but his skin has improved substantially. His eczema is at least 50% gone, if not more.

Thank you God!!!

I’ll update again in a month or so. I pray there will be more healing to report. I’m really looking forward to being able to have kombucha, water kefir, and coconut milk/butter/etc. Yay!

Much love,


P.S. If you’re going through intro right now, please let me know what stage you’re on and how you all are doing! I love keeping up with you. <3

Read on to the next post in this series.

6 thoughts on “Week 15 on the GAPS Intro Diet”

  1. I really enjoy your GAPS updates and how truthful and real you are about them. It encourages me for what is to come for my family and me. We will starting the GAPS intro in a few weeks (I’m waiting on stocking my freezer and getting my online orders). I’m so nervous and a tiny bit worried BUT I know Christ is with us and He will give us strength for each moment. I have a laundry list of health issues and seeing a list growing with my daughter…I have been praying for literally ten years for answers and The Lord has answered in His perfect timing! We are so grateful for answered prayers and His provision to be able to do the GAPS! My one prayer is that in and through it all and when we reach the end of it that Christ would get all the glory…and may He be magnified! I’ll be praying for your family!

    • Thank you so much, Nikki! I’m so encouraged by your comment. Jesus has completely carried us through with His grace and I know He will for you too!! Best best best wishes for your recovery and your daughter’s as well. <3 If you haven't already, be sure to join the GAPS Kids FB group, they are so helpful!!! Hope to see you there. And back here, too. Hugs!!

  2. My daughter and I are on stage two of intro. I am worried about introducing egg as the first time did she vomited the next day. The second time, a few weeks later, she got itchy throat runny nose and her tics got worse. That was a few weeks ago. You say that your son with excema has eggs. Did his excema worsen when you introduced eggs. If so was this a sign to stop and leave it for another few weeks? I’m not sure what to do. Are any symptoms a sign to back off that food or is it a sign of healing. I want to move on but I’m unsure of what to recognise as signs that I’m doing the right thing. We have been on stage two for about 6 weeks. Help.

    • Hi Terri. <3 I haven't been on GAPS since last year, but boy, do I remember agonizing over that very question. I still don't know the answer. With eggs I personally would take it slowly. Have you tried the wrist test? My oldest son, with the egg allergy, would get instant hives with the wrist test.

      My son with eczema can have eggs, with no problem, although I can't remember any more if eggs ever made it worse. Hives and itchiness I think are a sign to back off and wait. It's been so long, I don't feel qualified to answer your question! Have you joined a Facebook group for GAPS? That helped me a lot, although it did confuse me at times too. My best guess would be to wait on the eggs. **Hugs** I remember being where you are. It WILL get better. Hang in there. <3

  3. Thank you for your encouraging site! I am seemed to have come to a stand still at stage 5 as I seem to introduce new fruits and veggies and whole nuts too quick and eat too much too fast and get a stomach ache then get frustrated.
    I've been praying for encouragement from God to keep going and show me what to inroduce next and keep up the energy to cook every night and pack homemade food for lunch and snacks at work. My job requires me to travel and attend many social functions and it is hard to not be awkward and keep saying 'no thank you' to foods offered to me as I don't know what's in them, and many are starch based.
    I guess we have to think of this journey in terms of the greater rewards with each step and efforts are not in vain. Amen!


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