Week 10 on the GAPS Intro Diet

dilly carrots

Again, I wasn’t even going to update this week, but I realized, in retrospect it was a pretty big week on the GAPS intro diet. I’ll try to update quickly for those that are interested in our healing travels. (Travails?)

Last week, we left off with:

  • my oldest son eating a drop of raw egg yolk with NO reaction (woohooooo!)
  • my second son’s eczema stabilizing
  • the younger two doing well with no complaints or issues

This week was a big week, because we celebrated a birthday! My oldest son turned 7 on Wednesday. Now, what’s a GAPS mama to do for a birthday boy on Intro?

What a welcome discovery – I made squash/egg yolk pancakes for the kiddos and everyone tolerated them fine. So my boy can have cooked egg yolks as well as raw! Yes! It felt like my birthday, too.

We are on week 10 of the GAPS diet and have seen some healing, thank goodness....

Hey – sometimes food ain’t pretty, but it gets the job done. 😉

I also tried my hand at making a custard for his birthday. Can you tell I’m loving being able to cook with egg yolks???

Week 10 on GAPS intro. We are seeing healing slowly but surely....

I’ll share the recipe in a day or two. It was yummy!

So now my son can have a whole egg yolk in his soup. I want to try egg whites so badly, but I am going to wait. (Even though I want to try them, I’m still scared to.) We’ll do some more healing and then try. Although, I don’t always get all the egg white off the egg yolk when I’m separating them for pancakes, etc. and he hasn’t had any problem with a trace of egg whites being in his food. So that is a good sign.

My second son’s eczema is such an enigma to me. I have no clue what to do with it. I know several of you mamas are in the same boat. What are we going to do? I try this, I try that, and it goes up and down and here and there and still never really changes. There are simply too many variables. Today was one of his worse days. It makes me so sad. I’m frustrated because it went away on the earlier stages and then flared when we added juiced carrots. Even though we took those out weeks ago, nothing’s changed.

I know it has something to do with his liver dumping toxins through his skin – but what do I do about that when the whole diet is about dumping toxins? And why do these little guys have such toxic livers? I guess these days, we all do. I’m praying for wisdom and a breakthrough. I’ve been dabbling in homeopathic remedies but nothing seems to help.

Any ideas? We keep his elbows and knees wrapped in bandages with tallow balm 24/7. Does it get worse before it gets better?

Thank you so, so much for your wonderful comments and support. I am so glad we are all in this together. NO ONE can get through GAPS without a support system. Perish the thought.

I did come up with a new recipe: “Butterscotch” Detox Tea – try it if you’re wanting to help your liver health. I think it’s so yummy.

Well, I guess that’s all, folks. See you next week. <3



Click here for the next post in the series.

11 thoughts on “Week 10 on the GAPS Intro Diet”

  1. Hi, I just found your blog. I have had my son on the GAPS for almost a year. We didn't have any skin issues to deal with. I just have a question about the liver. Have you tried Castor Oil Packs and Epsom Salt/Baking soda baths for helping to dump toxins out of the liver?

    • Hi Cindy! Glad to hear from you. How wonderful that you didn’t have to deal with any skin issues! We do the various detox baths like you mentioned about 4-5 times a week, but I have never really considered castor oil packs. They just seemed too messy. Have you tried them? I’d love to hear if you or anyone you know had success with them and eczema. Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Hi Cindy! Glad to hear from you. How wonderful that you didn't have to deal with any skin issues! We do the various detox baths like you mentioned about 4-5 times a week, but I have never really considered castor oil packs. They just seemed too messy. Have you tried them? I'd love to hear if you or anyone you know had success with them and eczema. Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Hi I just found your blog on pinterest and think it’s great. I read your problems with your sons eczema and wanted to ask if you have ever heard of avene water? It is some healing water from france if you look it up there is videos of children getting healed of their eczema with it. I know not everyone can travel there but they do make lotions and sprays with it now available at beauty supply store. maybe give it a try if you haven’t already! I know feeling helpless when you can’t help your child is the worst. :/

    • Thanks Daniela! I have never heard of avene water – I will have to look into it, because you’re exactly right: it’s the worst when your children are suffering. 🙁 Thanks for the tip and thank you for stopping by!! <3

  4. I am just getting ready to start gaps with my son who struggles with allergies and celiac. I wanted to share what I found helps soothe my 1 year old daughters eczema though.I put a mask of Redmonds clay on it and it always looks better the next day. It still comes back, so I still need to find the cause, but the clay really helps.

    • Thank you SO much for sharing that Erin! I have a container of Redmonds clay sitting in my bathroom right now. I’m going to try this. Thank you, thank you, thank you! <3

  5. Hi. I know this blog post was written years ago but I have a question for you. We’re you ever able to heal your son’s eczema? If yes, what did the trick? I have eczema on my eyelids and suffering for five years. I started GAPS diet three weeks ago and I am finding that any type of sugar and even honey will give me a flair up. Will I never be able to eat anything sweet again? I haven’t tried fruit yet. Let me know how it went. Thank you in advance.

    • I’m sorry to hear about the eczema on your eyelids, Melissa. With my son, if I remember correctly, he was detoxing through his skin, and since GAPS is a detoxifying diet, he had it the whole time we were on the diet. Like you, he had flareups with sugary things like the fresh juice. After six months on the diet, we transitioned off, and I think his skin ended up calming down. A year after the diet it was totally clear. I still don’t understand it. I’ve stopped trying! lol. I’m certain you will be able to eat sweets again; my advice would be to hang in there (easier said than done, I know) and keep checking at intervals to make sure the diet is still working for you. Try not to go too low-sugar – my thyroid took a big hit from trying to avoid sugar for so long. <3


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