Hello there! This week’s update will be short and sweet because:
a) only a few things changed, and
b) I’m exhausted! π
So here goes:
Last week we had success introducing a drop of egg yolk to my oldest son who was previously allergic to egg yolks. Yayyy!!! Talk about a reason to celebrate! This week, I simply repeated the drop of egg yolk in his food. No reactions whatsoever. Then I increased the egg yolk a bit, and so far we are up to 5 drops of raw egg yolk in his food/soups with absolutely no reactions.
Sooo exciting!
My son’s eczema is slowly improving. I dissolved 5 pellets of homeopathic mezereum into a cup of water and gave him a spoonful three times a day. It’s getting better. Not in a remarkably fast way, but still, it’s not getting worse and that makes this mama happy.
Then, my two littlest ones caught a cold. They ran fevers and developed sore throats and we’re still working our way through it. (That’s really why I’m so exhausted.) I’ve been judiciously administering cell salts #s 4, 9, and 5, in that order, to help them through it. (Read more about cell salts here.)
Even though it’s no fun to have a cold run through the family, I have to stop and give thanks. Before GAPS, we were catching colds 2 or 3 times a month. No joke. It almost seemed like once a week there for a while, with winter always being the worst. However, since we’ve started GAPS this is the first cold – that’s over 2 months sickness-free. I’m thankful. We’ll bounce back from the cold quickly and keep on truckin’.
So it’s all good.
Before we started the GAPS diet, I remember reading in the Frequently Asked Questions that carbonated water was GAPS legal. (Page 83 or so.) I just recently remembered that and started having some each night.
I used to hate carbonated water. I mean, yuck. But now it’s the treat of my evening. Hah! Listen, there is really no food that normal people crave that you can have on the Intro diet. Well, at least not for me. So I’m loving the carbonated water, enjoying the sharp tingle on my throat and the experience of something, anything, different.
If carbonated water is not GAPS intro legal, just please don’t tell me. I don’t want to hear it. It’s like the only thing I can look forward to. Leave me be.
But I think it’s legal.
So that’s that. Nothing really big, just still celebrating and reveling in the fact that my boy can have egg yolks now. We will slowly be increasing the amount and we will definitely be enjoying the healing benefits of this food. And I don’t have to freak out each time I give the other kids egg yolks anymore. Sighs. Lovely. π
Dandy, I’m so sorry you’ve been battling cold bugs; that’s no fun. But what a difference in not being sick near so often; that’s great! All I’ve been reading from you and surfing the ‘net about homeopathic treatments and cell salts is fascinating to me and I’d love to find out how to treat my son’s eczema but I don’t even know where to begin. I know cell salts are safe but what about homeopathy? What are risks of wrong/and or overdoses? I’ve seen homeopathic remedies correlating with different symptoms my son’s experiencing but some symptoms cross over to a different recommended med. So how do I know which to try with him? Sorry for so many questions, but how did you learn and determine what to give your son for his eczema? Is there a reputable book on how to self treat with homeopathic medicine you could recommend perhaps?
Awesome update! Thank you so much for sharing, Dandy!
My "carbonated water" had been almond butter (my only convenience food), but we took almonds (butter and flour) out for the past week on the advice of the GAPS practitioner to see if it would help our son's eczema. So, what did I turn to after that was gone? Raw honey. GAPS-legal, but I have been eating WAYYY too much, I am sure! π I suppose it is better than eating a disaccharide treat, but I know that for Stage 5 and 7-8 weeks into Intro., I am going overboard many days…. Praying for the strength to endure. We may be doing a candida diet (on GAPS) this summer once school is out.
Again, thank you for being a voice out there who is sharing her family's GAPS journey. I have your blog on my desktop and look forward to your updates. It is more comforting than reading old blogs about GAPS because I know you're doing this in real-time and feeling many of the same difficult feelings (and exhaustion) I am. Blessings to you and yours, Dandy! π
Awesome update! Thank you so much for sharing, Dandy!
My “carbonated water” had been almond butter (my only convenience food), but we took almonds (butter and flour) out for the past week on the advice of the GAPS practitioner to see if it would help our son’s eczema. So, what did I turn to after that was gone? Raw honey. GAPS-legal, but I have been eating WAYYY too much, I am sure! π I suppose it is better than eating a disaccharide treat, but I know that for Stage 5 and 7-8 weeks into Intro., I am going overboard many days…. Praying for the strength to endure. We may be doing a candida diet (on GAPS) this summer once school is out.
Again, thank you for being a voice out there who is sharing her family’s GAPS journey. I have your blog on my desktop and look forward to your updates. It is more comforting than reading old blogs about GAPS because I know you’re doing this in real-time and feeling many of the same difficult feelings (and exhaustion) I am. Blessings to you and yours, Dandy! π
Oh, thank you so much Jennifer. That really means so much to me!! I too had to give up nuts – I was seeing yeast issues too. π And like you, I’ve been struggling with too much honey. Sigh. But I increased my DE and changed probiotics and I’m seeing my cravings lessen. Not as much as I’d like, but a little. I’ll be praying for you to make it through.