Quick and Easy Homemade Magnesium-Based Deodorant

magnesium deodorant in roller bottle with roses

You know, back when I started my blog in 2013, not a lot of information existed on the dangers of antiperspirants. I’m really so pleased that the word has spread and more and more are aware of the problems in commercial deodorant. Problems such as aluminum, parabens, etc. Through the years, I would mix together … Read more

Homemade Scorpion Repellant

DIY scorpion repellent recipe

  April 1, 2015: Me to my oldest son: “Son, you’d have to get up *pretty* early in the morning to pull an April Fool’s joke on your mama.” [15 seconds pass] My 8 year old son: “Mama, come quick!! There’s a scorpion in the pantry!!!” Me: “GASP!!!!!! WHERE????!!!” Son, beaming: “April Fool’s!!” Grrr. 😉 … Read more

16 Homemade Shampoo Recipes

Want to move away from commercial shampoo? Here's a list of 16 homemade shampoos you can try!

Ditching shampoo. SO weird, right? I was completely averse to this idea at first – just very happy with my commercial shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, volumizer, hairspray, gel…. Whew. I eventually did give it up though, and truly, I haven’t looked back. Except for one time when someone gave me an olive oil shampoo, and I … Read more

Diatomaceous Earth Uses: 13 Smart Ways to Use Diatomaceous Earth In Your Home

There are so many diatomaceous earth uses! Especially in the home!!

What Is Diatomaceous Earth? Diatomaceous earth is inert dust made of the fossilized remains of diatoms. This talc-like powder is porous, making it ideal for trapping particles. This capacity is what accounts for the wide range of diatomaceous earth’s abilities. Diatomaceous earth is used in many commercial products such as toothpaste, lotion, polishers, filters, and … Read more

Homemade Diatomaceous Earth Toothpaste

diy diatomaceous earth toothpaste

Hello there! Ever since I’ve discovered food-grade diatomaceous earth, it has served so many purposes around our home. Have you ever heard of it or used it? (You can read more about it in my guest post for The Prairie Homestead.) One of the ways I love to use diatomaceous earth is by adding it … Read more